

BAMpdx bookstore offers three ways to buy the new Experience Marketing book. Download a PDF version and starting reading now. Order a print-on-demand book from Amazon or an e-book version for your iPad, notepad or kindle today!

BUY THE BOOK: Small Business Experience Marketing is straightforward manual that shows how small business owners can benefit over the long-term by using detailed sensory stimulation and community connections.. Small Business Experience Marketing shows how to prepare, partner, promote and produce an event inside small businesses. Create the experiences your customer wants and learn ways to provide lasting memories and loyal customers!

3 Ways to Buy The Book: Print to order, ebook or PDF download

Experience Marketing Sample Marketing Plan (Digital Download)

Experience Marketing Sample Marketing Plan (Digital Download)


A smart marketing plan creates a “To-Do” list to raise name recognition, attract customers, drive traffic and boost sales.

1. Describe target market interests, demographics and buying habits. It is easier, and cheaper, to reach one target market instead of the whole world.

2. Describe the street fair, highlighting the area, the activities and participants. Refer to Chapter 1: Street Fair Outline.

3. Choose the communication tools that will motivate your desired attendees.

The best tools are those that target interests look at, read or know about. Ask community partners, businesses and sponsors where they broadcast promotions or advertise.

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Street Fairs for Community and Profit guidebook will help volunteers plan and execute a street fair, large annual event or business district activity. It provides steps for planning, fundraising, marketing and actually producing a successful street fair. Each chapter describes specific roles and tasks for organizers, providing real-life examples. The guidebook coaches planners how to strengthen relationships to build a supportive community as well as raise money.

Order the full Street Fair Guide now on Amazon >>


Download a sample event production guidebook that includes information on:

  • Permits – Rules and regulations for site management and safety.

  • Layout – Logistical concerns about where everything is and why.

  • Equipment – Supplier lists by activities, location and volunteers.

  • Safety – Volunteer teams, paid security and police that manage safety, activities and entrances.

  • Sanitation – Washing areas and cleanup crew duties.

  • Set Up – Street closure, set up activities’ equipment, signs, decorations and check in information.

  • Take Down – Equipment, materials, vendors removal, and reopen street.

  • Itinerary/Schedule – Important scheduling notes for planners.

  • Production Book – Who does what, when and where.

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In my experience, it’s not an accident that a prosperous and safe community is one of the outcomes of organizing a street fair. No matter what the size, fair planning involves a considerable amount of time. Volunteering on a planning commiIee creates relationships and a positive atmosphere that endures. Building community is a process that adds value to the lives of everyone involved and street fairs are a good way to go about it.

Communities are a group of people coming together by commonality. A community is built for many reasons: shared location, pets, religions, foods, sports, gender, age, race and other intentional reasons. Neighborhoods form naturally, through everyday interaction. People living near one other become part of a shared community by default. One commonality is a safe, clean, and friendly place to live. This is true for neighbors, both residents and businesses. Safety is key to one’s sense of community. Imagine raising kids in a place where walking to school carries no danger, where grocery stores, coffee shops and dentists are easily accessible; a neighborhood where it’s safe to walk, bike without hassle and park with assurance. Envision a neighborhood where summer jobs are easily available to teenagers, from people you know and trust.

The development of a cohesive, supportive neighborhood is the product of a street fair. The benefits of building community become obvious over time. When people have a reason to connect regularly and consistently, they are building a community.


Street fairs jump start the revitalization of a worn district or breathe life into one not yet established. They show off the best of the area, drawing in families, social groups and friends. They will want to check out your area because they heard about or saw a vibrant and thriving place on fair day. This, in turn, draws more businesses to locate in the area and, eventually, more investment.

Local businesses welcome increased exposure, so on fair day, they want to look their absolute best. When enticed, shoppers will want to come back when no crowds are around. Diners will seek out restaurants they saw, but didn’t have time to eat at, on fair day.

Not only will individual businesses profit when hosting street fairs in their area, the planning organization can raise funds for their ongoing needs throughout the rest of the year. A profitable street fair can raise $5,000 to $20,000, or more, each year. These funds can be used for ongoing marketing campaigns, infrastructure improvements and supporting community groups in the area. It can make a business community thrive.