Inside Comes Out for Hawthorne Street Fair
Small business owners get creative to bring more customers through their doors by taking their wares outside on event days. Participating in a local street promotion or event can draw new people to a neighborhood offering great exposure for small businesses.
Four Hawthorne Street businesses in just one block took advantage of the ever-popular Hawthorne Street Fair this year. Classic Collection Hats, Farmhouse Kitchen Thai Cuisine, Potala Imports and Sloan Boutique were a few of the businesses that set up booths out front of their storefronts. Each focused on their own brand but also added to the “Fair” experience with color, design and activities. Here’s how to learn from their example.
Take It Outside
Street Vending - Activate the street in front of your business by bringing wares outside and make them look great! “Curb appeal can account for up to 80% of first-time sales” says Roger Brooks, International.
Clean up storefronts, sweep debris from street and pick up litter. If your business sell food or drinks, set up garbage and recycling containers.
Label and tag areas so customers don’t have to ask for pricing on every item, potentially discouraging buyers.
Have a good time, your energy will be infectious!
Do Something
Encourage customers to Like, Share and remember you with games, pictures, free goodies or any interactive activity that will draw people. Consider your target market when creating an inviting activity.
Invest in outdoor sales tools that take your business anywhere
Count It
If you have participated in shared promotions such as street fairs in the past, take the time to chart your ROI from previous years. Consider the target market. Outside, free events usually attract families, social groups and friend groups.
Gain social capital and magnify event promotions by connecting to partners. If you have a service business, offer the space in front of your business to your favorite non-profit to host friend- or fund-raisers. They can create new interactive activities that draw people. Partners can bring equipment, support budgets and volunteer on event days. Community partners will appreciate your willingness to help them, in turn, helping yourself by strengthening the community around your business.